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A Tennessee College of Applied Technology is an institution which serves people in a specific geographical area within the state of Tennessee consisting of two or more counties that offers technical/occupational education. Tennessee has 24 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology. 23 of them (all except Chattanooga) are freestanding institutions. Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology are the state's premier providers of workforce development in the state of Tennessee. The 24 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology and their employees provide state-of-the-art technical training for workers to obtain the technical skills and professional training necessary for advancement in today's competitive job market. Through their workforce development mission, the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology help businesses and industries satisfy their need for a well-trained, skilled workforce. Under the governance of the Tennessee Board of Regents, the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology offer certificate and diploma programs in more than 50 distinct occupational fields as well as customized training for business and industry.
The Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology serve as the premier suppliers of workforce development throughout the State of Tennessee. The Colleges fulfill their mission by:
The purpose of Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology curricula is to provide instruction whereby individuals may be trained or retrained for employment, and to upgrade skills and knowledge of employed workers. Each program offered will assist the student in acquiring the skills, knowledge, understanding, and attitudes which contribute to proficiency and competency in his or her chosen field.
The Colleges fulfill this purpose by providing training through:
Tennessee College of Applied Technology Upper Cumberland serves as a premier supplier of workforce development throughout the Upper Cumberland area. The College fulfills their mission by:
Providing competency-based training through superior quality, traditional and distance learning instruction methods that qualify completers for employment and job advancement; Contributing to the economic and community development of the communities served by training and retraining employed workers; Ensuring that programs and services are economical and accessible to all residents of the Upper Cumberland area; and Building relationships of trust with community, business, and industry leaders to supply highly skilled workers in areas of need.