Current Students //

Frequently Asked Questions for Current Students

Can I transfer to a different program within my college?

When a student who is currently enrolled needs to transfer to a new training program because of a change in career objectives, the Student Services office will coordinate with the instructors and the student in making the transition to another program and in ensuring the change is appropriate to the student's interests and qualifications. Students must have a passing average in the program they desire to transfer from before the transfer will be considered.  When the transfer choice is made, the President must approve the transfer. It is expected that generally this will occur during the first term of the student's training.  

When will I receive my excess financial aid check?

Your current Student Estimation form shows your estimated disbursement date. Please refer to that form or see the Financial Aid Office at your campus.

Students may also apply with WIOA if there may be a need for addtional resource assistance. See flyer for details. 
