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Grading Policies and Progress Standards
Students are evaluated on skill and theory in each program during the academic term. Grade and attendance records are maintained as part of the student record.
Instructors shall have a course outline/curriculum that stipulates the customary length of time for a module of study. Instructors shall consult with their advisory committees on their course outline/curriculum. Instructors shall communicate their program’s specific pace/progress
schedule to every incoming student.
Since all occupational training offered in the area Colleges involves technical knowledge and occupational and employability skills, students are encouraged to apply themselves to achieve success in their chosen vocational objective.
Student Progress
Evaluations of student achievement toward a program's identified occupational competencies are recorded for each student at the end of 432 hours of instruction that comprise a term. Those evaluations shall be based on the following scale of progress:
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 0 – 59
P = Pass
CONT = Continuing/Incomplete
W = Withdrew
Grades for courses will be determined as described in course syllabi. Students will be graded in the following categories:
Skill Proficiency
Theory/Related Information